Friday, July 13, 2012

So Excited!!

So a little less than a month ago I applied for a scholarship to the AADE (American Association of Diabetes Educators) thru the Diabetes Advocacy and guess what .... No really guess!!

I GOT IT!!! I am so excited to go to this conference and learn more about diabetes technology, care, and meeting people that I think very highly of.

This is going to be a bunch of 1st's for me ... first diabetes conference, first time meeting people that I think highly of, first time ever flying on a plane, first time ever to go on a "vacation" by myself without my husband and children, and first time to Indianapolis.

I am absolutely over the moon excited and so ready to board that plane on July 31!!

Thank you Diabetes Advocacy for this amazing opportunity


betespora (jeff) said...

Oh wow... That's so exciting! Congrats on the great news :)

By the way, there is going to be a tweetup on Friday, the 3rd of August in Indy. Cherise hasn't posted the details yet though. If you're still in town, perhaps you'd like to meet us at the tweetup!?.

Mike Durbin said...

Congrats, Katrina! Looking forward to meeting you in Indy.

Scott K. Johnson said...

Yay! Congrats!

Mike Hoskins said...

Congrats! These scholarships are a great way to get people some help in attending these conferences, so I'm very happy to hear you snagged this one! Looking forward to meeting you in Indy!