Sunday, July 1, 2012

What is it like to be?

So I have decided to do a multi-segment blog post about What is it like to be ... a mom of a type 1 diabetic, a dad of a type 1 diabetic, a child with type 1 diabetes, a teen with type 1 diabetes, an adult with type 1 diabetes, an older type 1 diabetic (60+), and a family member of a type 1 diabetic.

I am trying to every aspect of the Type 1 diabetes triangle because we all know that diabetes management is a family affair and I know that I personally do not always know all the aspects of how this disease affects each member in the triangle so I am on a mission to get the answers direct from the mouths of all sides.

I hope you are interested in reading all the aspects just like I am. We are going to start our segment off with mothers of type 1 diabetics so please keep your eyes out for these posts that will be posted several a day

Here are the ?'s that we are getting answered from mothers of type 1 diabetics.

  1. Your First Name:
  2. How long has your child been a Type 1 Diabetic?
  3. How old is your child?
  4. For the management of your child’s Type 1 Diabetes are they on an insulin pump (If on pump which one) or multiple daily injections?
  5. What made you choose this method for management?
  6. How confident are you with managing your child’s diabetes?
  7. What does a typical day look like in your household in regards to diabetes management?
  8. What does a typical day’s diet look like?
  9. Besides a cure what 1 thing would you like to see researchers working towards and why?
  10. What tips or advice would you give to other parents of newly diagnosed Type 1 Diabetic children/teens?
  11. What would you like to see more of out of the Diabetes Online Community?
  12. What is your favorite thing about the Diabetes Online Community and why?
  13. What is your least favorite thing about the Diabetes Online Community and why?
  14.    What 1 thing would you like to see discussed in the Diabetes Online Community that is not discussed enough?

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