My daughter Aly was diagnosed with Type 1 (Juvenile) Diabetes when she was a mere 2 1/2 years old. This battle will never end for her as there is no cure for Type 1 Diabetes but we WILL do our BEST every second of every day to give her the best life she can have. This blog is here as a journal for myself and hopefully it also helps other individuals dealing with diabetes also.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Challenge Accepted

Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Favorite Things
So this week I am participating in the WEGO Health Advocating For Another Blog Carnival, today's topics is 5-10 of my favorite things about my daughter Alyse.
There are so many things that I love about my daughter and her personality but I will narrow it down a bit.
The first thing that I love about my daughter is that she never lets anything hold her back. When she sets her mind to getting something done she gets it done. (now she is only 8 so some days this is better than others)
I love that my daughter is coming out of her shell with children her age. She usually is a shy child and will not stick up for herself in situations. This year she was placed in a class with a girl that she had issues with last year, Aly talked to the girl the 2nd day into school and explained that her pump site had a metal needle that is in her at all times and when the girl would push her it hurt. The girl apologized and said she never knew. While the girl was in the wrong for pushing Aly last year I was proud of my daughter for talking to this child and explaining how she felt.
Aly is the best big sister around. She is always looking out for her little brother and most of the she tries to include him in the things that she is doing
Another favorite things is that's he tells me that my cooking is better than all the restraurants. She loves her mom as cooking
My last but not final favorite thing about Aly is that she is my fighter, my daughter, the reason I am the person that I am today. She looks like me, talks like me, acts like me, and well is just a mini me all around and she is my hero.
These are a few of my favorite things :)
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Bombed Job Interview
"Your pancreas is in a job interview and totally bombs the question about ____."
- Very Caring
- Very Sensitive
- Artistic
- Loves to play with her friends
- Love to play dress up and do her make-up
- Smart
- Never defeated by her diabetes
- Fighter
Sunday, August 19, 2012
A charity you should know about

Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Lows Suck
Aly was dead sleep when I checked her blood sugar and she was 41 :/. Never fun forcing juice down your child esophagus at 10pm Duck Fiabetes.
First day of 2nd grade

Monday, August 13, 2012
New school year
A mothers wish
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Thank You!!
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
What is it like...
I feel like it has been a long time since I continued this series. I have just been so busy outside in the diabetes world that my blog got a little neglected.
So here we go again. I had the pleasure of email interviewing Brooke who is a 19yr old T1D who was diagnosed in 1993. Here is what she has to let you know
A: I'm Brooke and I'm 19
Q: When were you diagnosed and at what age?
A: Diagnosed in 1993 at the age of 10 months
Q: What do you remember about your diagnosis?
A: No recollection as I was too little!
Q: Are you on an insulin pump (if yes what kind) or are you on multiple daily injections?
A: Currently on injections but looking to move to a pump in the near future
Q: How comfortable are you managing your Type 1 Diabetes?
A: It’s something I've always had and known so pretty comfortable but Mum is always such a great person to turn to when things get tough
Q: What is the hardest aspect of your diabetes management?
A: Trying to always keep sugar levels at the right levels, especially when out with friends and such
Q: Do you have a Diabetes Alert Dog, if yes how does your D.A.D help you with your diabetes management?
A: Never heard of them! But they sound like a good thing especially if you've become less aware of hypoglycemia
Q: Are you friends with any other Type 1 diabetics in your area?
A: Not really, I know of people in my hometown with it though
Q: Do you talk to other Type 1 Diabetic children/teens via facebook, twitter, or chat rooms? If yes: Does that help your diabetes management and understanding of Type 1 Diabetes?
A: I sure do and it’s wonderful to have others who know exactly what you go through to share things with and talk to
Q: Besides a cure what 1 thing would you like to see researchers working towards and why?
A: Not sure, a cure is the best thing that we need
Q: What tips or advice would you give to other newly diagnosed Type 1 Diabetic children/teens?
A: Take it one step at a time, never ever be afraid or think it’s silly to ask for help, you've always got people there to support you and if things get tough it’s okay to have a whine every now and again :P
Saturday, August 4, 2012
So much to think about
I want to start off this blog post thanking the Diabetes Hands Foundation and Manny Hernandez for granting me a scholarship to have the amazing experience in coming to the American Association of Diabetes Educators conference in Indianapolis.
This was an amazing experience getting to learn more about diabetes from the clinical side as well as meeting so many amazing members of the diabetes online community in person.
This experience also taught me that I need to refocus where I put myself and where I focus the majority of time in regards to diabetes awareness.
I learned that some people feel that members of the DOC need to go slowly, build relationships, and earn respect before going into diabetes advocacy and education full time head on. I know that we can never please everyone but these are interesting concepts to me because personally I have nurtured relationships and become very good friends with many people in the DOC but apparently have not done enough in some peoples minds
This experience makes me want to work harder, focus more on support for families and PWD and educating the general public.
This was a good experience to see the DOC members in action giving the CDE's the knowledge of how social media can help their practice and their patients with emotional support
I look forward to growing my online presence on twitter and nurturing all of my connections.
I leave for home at 7am in the morning and ready to get back home and hug my babies and hubby
Great convention, great time, lot learned, and more to come