Out there in the Diabetes non-profit world there are a ton of non-profits out there specializing in different things from research, to support, to helping with cost of supplies and so many more.
Kids with Courage currently has 3 initiatives that they are working on
Crate, Full of Courage: Being diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes is devastating and can be overwhelming. For these children (and their families), being courageous involves being fully aware and accepting of the threat of immediate medical emergencies and their long term health concerns. Empowering families, by encouraging education, awareness and advocacy is essential. Courageous behavior consists of taking responsibility and being pro-active. Benefits of being courageous include personal integrity and thriving in the midst of normality. Newly diagnosed children and youth, receive a crate (age appropriate), filled with educational and resource materials, comfort and support items designed to encourage children and families.

The 2 most known non-profits would be JDRF and the American Diabetes Association (ADA), but me personally I love supporting one of the smaller non-profit organizations here in Kansas City, Kids with Courage, that was started by another mother who's daughter was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes.
Kids with Courage is a 501(c) (3), not for profit foundation that recognizes, encourages and honors the courageous children and young people living with Type 1 diabetes.
Team Courage: Children and young people with Type 1 diabetes are invited to join "Team Courage". We consider those with Type 1 diabetes as the Most Valuable players (MVP's). Our philosophy is to encourage our MVP's to become "champions" and get the most out of their opportunity of life. Being a champion is about doing your very best to achieve your goals, despite the difficulty and challenges that type 1 diabetes brings.
Scholarship Program: To date, we sadly have been unable to secure donors for this program. It is our intent to begin a Scholarship Program when funds become available.
You can find out more about Kids with Courage online at www.kidswithcourage.org
Keep an eye on their website and find them on Facebook to stay in the know about Kids with Courage upcoming events and to support their organization.

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