Today was the day that I had a meeting with our new school nurse to make sure that we are ALL on the same page for Alys diabetes care. We do not have a 504 plan for Aly at this time and as long as this nurse does as I say then I will not enforce one, but believe me the minute she tries anything this momma will scream and I will scream loud and to everyone!

We got everything set for when she will test during her school day and luckily this year she will not have to miss any class time for testing. It is all going to be done during transition times like before recess, lunch, and after her 2nd recess. This will be helpful for Aly because she also has ADHD and sometimes has a hard time stays focused as it is without the disruptin of bgl testing.
We will have the same nursing assistant that we have always had which makes it nice because sheiks the one that I deal with 95% of the day in regards to daily numbers.
I know this year will go great in regards to the school taking care of my daughter while she is in their facility.
We met Alys teacher tonight and she's is a very sweet lady but is going to be a good fit for Aly because she's used to be a special Ed teacher so she can help Ay with her ADHD while being strict enough which is what Aly needs.
Here's to 2nd grade and another fabulous school year.
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