Wednesday, October 31, 2012

My favorite thing about Social Media

I have been a member of the Diabetes Online Community for about 3 years kinda trolling around seeing what other people were doing and putting in a few words here and there.  It was close to 2 years ago that I really started delving into Social Networking and it almost becoming an obsession. I became a member/admin of multiple Diabetes Support Group/Information pages on Facebook. Twitter is still a little foreign to me, I get the basic concepts but Twitter is not my personal favorite Social Networking tool.

My favorite part about Social Media is that the lights are never turned off and there is always someone somewhere that is online to chat with, wether you have a question, just want to say Hi, have a complaint, no matter what it is someone is always there. 

Social Networking at times is almost like a very large social workers office where others are not there to judge you but to accept you with welcoming arms and help you work through whatever the problem may be at that time. The best part about these times is that it is FREE!! (I am NOT recommending you stop counseling if you are currently in it, no one can replace your medical professional). 

I love that we have the technology now a days to connect people from almost every inch of the world to other people hundreds of thousands of miles away but yet they still can understand each others problems. Social Media via FacebookTwitterInstagramMySpaceTuDiabetes and so many more are cutting edge advocacy, networking, friendship, and marketing tools.

Social Media will continue to evolve as will the Diabetes Online Community and just like Diabetes management tools they can only get better, people will still be there for a newly diagnosed family, or someone who has a question or concern, to educate the uneducated about diabetes, through the good and the bad, and all the times in between.

I hope to see you all on Facebook or Twitter :) 

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

My daughters teacher ROCKS!!

So as we all know November is Diabetes Awareness Month and Nov. 14 in particular is World Diabetes Day.

Today while looking over a FB post posted by Sanofi US (with the help of  Lorraine) I was looking over their Make Blue Cool at Your Child's School information and decided that I would email Aly's teacher and just ask her what steps I would need to take to be able to ask just her classmates to show support for diabetes awareness and Aly on WDD.

Here is the response I received.

I love that her teacher took the initiative on my request and went and asked the principal and got permission.

We are so excited!!

Here is the email that went out to all parents in her class this evening

Monday, October 29, 2012

Good Visit / New Chapter

I am proud to announce on Friday we had our personal best A1C on record of 8.2, now I know the families out there that have A1Cs in the 6's and 7's would not think this is good but for US it is!! This is a big accomplishment!! We are so excited to get it down.

We also have changed her diabetes clinic again to a clinic that will now see her from pediatrics through adulthood, she will never have to change offices when she is no longer under pediatric care. Our new dr is AMAZING, I had met him before just never had him as a physician. He understands that diabetes is NOT a cookie cutter disease, that everyone is different.

We have the paperwork in the works to get Aly on the Dexcom G4, this should make management even tighter. We are are loving the One Touch Ping that we started a few weeks ago and now the Dexcom will help even more.

On to better A1C's and management

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Today is the day

Omg!! Today is THE day!! The day that will change Alys pumping experience for the next 4-5 years. We should be receiving her pink One Touch Ping in the mail today. I will never forget the amazing generosity of my church family in helping us purchase this life saving medical device.

I will be on the lookout all day :)

Saturday, October 13, 2012

New Goal

2013 will be our 4th annual Acoustics for a Cure benefit concert here in Kansas City.

Acoustics for a Cure funds raised in the past have gone to JDRF and Kids With Courage, I have decided that for the 2013 concert the funding raised will be used to send at least 1 if not 2 type 1 diabetic children here in Kansas City to a week long diabetes camp.

All children that I have ever spoken with have absolutely loved going to diabetes camp because it gives them a sense of belonging, they are in a community for a week where everyone feels like them, understands their language, and can support each other.

I am really excited about this new venture that Hope for Aly is going to take in helping children who may not be able to go otherwise.

Time to get planning for a fabulous concert to raise lots of money for the kiddos :)

We are always accepting donations, if you are interested in making a donation of any kind please use the contact us page and we will gladly get back with you.

On to new and greater things but never forgetting about the diabetes education

Monday, October 8, 2012

Time for change

A few months ago Alys Medtronic Paradigm insulin pump died after 5 years of service and we decided to switch to the One Touch Ping.

Well after having our church family helps us greatly with the financial aspects of the cost of the new insulin pump we ordered her Pink One Touch Ping today, we will be getting it very shortly.

After 5 years we are making a change, a new chapter in Alys life with Type 1 Diabetes.

We are also looking into using the Dexcom CGM to help manage her Type 1 Diabetes even more tightly.

This is an exciting change and we are ready for this new chapter

Monday, October 1, 2012

Room Mom

Today is No "D" day so today I will be telling you of my new venture ..... Room Mom

This year I am starting on a new journey, the journey of being the room mom of Alys class.

This shall be a new interesting venture since I have never done anything like this.

It cannot be that hard right to plan a Halloween and valentines day party for 2nd graders right?!? They should be happy with some crafts, snacks, and a game or 2.

Well on to planning a Halloween party for Alys class I go. I am open to suggestions :)